Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008

Dear My God

Dear God
God, i wish i was smarter than right now
I wish i could be a meaningful one
I wish i have made my parents happier and more proud of me than now
And I wish i could be better in everything
I wish i could be a science student, to look more more smarter than i am.
Sometimes i want to be somebody else, with some talents.
but in fact i dont, or i didnt dig it enough.

in these days, I feel empty, lonely, and nobody cares.
all i can do is crying right in front of You, beg and keep begging.
I told everything that stuck in my mind
I missed my old days, i cried for it
I'm jealous with some people,whose had someone who took them in good or bad.
sometimes i ask, why did You gave them but not send me just one?
It's unfair. But i keep praying and wishing
pathethic, so name it, it's true.

But hey! I'm blessed. I have my parents, my family, 100% complete!
I have my superb extraordinary bestfriends that always taking care for me
whom always support me. who don't stab me in my back
i have my school friends that always painted my laugh, made my days rainbow-ful
i have my funny classmates.
i still breathe, laugh, smile, cry, HEY IM NORMAL! IM NOT THAT PATHETHIC.

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

keren juga blog loe. pas chating loe orgnya cuek abis. tp pas baca ternyata kehidupan loe bikin gw inget masa smp-sma... good luck bwt masa2 indahnya. mikmatin selagi bisa.